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Diet food macrobiotic raw vegan - fare substance macrobiotic unprocessed vegetarian

01-02-2017 à 16:47:24
Diet food macrobiotic raw vegan
American ingenuity has found one solution to the energy crisis: food you never need to cook. There are plant enzymes, digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes, for example. But on closer examination, the raw diet makes little sense biologically. Strict macrobiotic diets that include no animal products may result in nutritional deficiencies unless they are carefully planned. With mostly fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and sprouted beans, the diet is low in fat and high in nutrients. Blackened food, that delicious charbroiled taste, can cause cancer in the long run. Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are discussed in the relevant article, and include soy products, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and fatty fish. All food is considered to have both properties, with one dominating. The macrobiotic way of eating was developed and popularized by the Japanese. Most commercial chicken and a good deal of beef and pork, sadly, are loaded with bacteria and parasites. Health effects from a diet avoiding refined foods and most animal products. Other naturally-raised animal products may be included if needed during dietary transition or according to individual needs. According to some macrobiotic advocates, a majority of the world population in the past ate a diet based primarily on grains, vegetables, and other plants. Some cultures, conveniently in regions of prolonged growing seasons, shun all meat as unnatural. One of the earlier versions of the macrobiotic diet that involved eating only brown rice and water has been linked to severe nutritional deficiencies and even death. But plant enzymes, which raw dieters wish to preserve, are largely mashed up with other proteins and rendered useless by acids in the stomach. Fire foraging was quite natural and helped secure our survival. The Inuit have survived thousands of years almost entirely on a diet of raw fish and meat. The danger may be worse for people with cancer, who may have to contend with unwanted weight loss and often have increased nutritional and caloric requirements.

Human digestive enzymes are used for human digestion. Enzymes are proteins that serve as catalysts for specific biochemical reactions in the body. Like many alternative diets, the raw food diet is grounded on a few solid principles. Cooking kills this, unless the meat is rancid. Humans have evolved to eat and survive on a wide range of diets. Brown rice and other whole grains such as barley, millet, oats, quinoa, spelt, rye, and teff are considered by macrobiotics to be the foods in which yin and yang are closest to being in balance. That said, humans have always eaten some cooked food. According to Kushi, one goal of modern macrobiotics is to become sensitive to the actual effects of foods on health and well-being, rather than to follow dietary rules and regulations. Riboflavin along with most other B vitamins are abundant in whole grains. After all, no other animal cooks its food, and humans only started cooking after the domestication of fire. This is how we developed the taste for cooked food. Largely in the form of roasted grasshoppers or other small critters caught in forest fires and brushfires. Another main claim by raw food advocates is that heat (from cooking) destroys enzymes in the food. Anyway, the plant enzymes were for the plants. A primary claim among raw food advocates is that the raw diet is a natural diet. Fish and seafood, seeds and nuts, seed and nut butters, seasonings, sweeteners, fruits, and beverages may be enjoyed occasionally, two to three times per week. Some Macrobiotic theorists, including George Ohsawa, stress the fact that yin and yang are relative qualities that can only be determined in a comparison. During the Edo period in Japan peasants were not allowed to eat meat and had a diet based on staples of rice and soybeans. On one level, the raw diet has much going for it.

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